Covid-19 Procedures
As in accordance with the government guidelines for COVID-19 safety procedures, we will be reopening our doors on 25th July. In this week of reopening you can book book one to one classes and your own small group classes with our teachers.
From 3rd August we will be commencing a small summer term of 5 weeks over the holidays . We will run our timetable With fewer classes and fewer students each class to adhere to the procedures. We will also be running some classes during the weekdays and our Saturday academy with limited numbers.
Please be aware there are guidelines and practises we have to adhere to so our younger children 2-5yrs classes will start back in September due to social distancing rules.
These are the rules the government has set at this time 25/7/2020 for us to comply with:
Because outdoor larger activity needs to be regulated and approved The guidelines today still say 6!!
Please note that we will still be practising our usual methods of regular handwashing and sanitising as well and wiping down of door handles and surfaces reguarly.
We have worked hard to build our academy and to get ready for the re-opening taking all these measures into account and we are proud of what we have acheived. There for you can be sure the Academy is a safe environment for your child at this time.
If you have any queries or concerns please email:
Call: 0800385917
Kind regards
Jac Jossa Academy Team.